Chakras and Yoga
Take a look at the image above. Note where each chakra sits. We have the base/root chakra which is red in color, located at the base of the spine. The sacral chakra which is orange in color, located below the navel. The solar plexus chakra which is yellow in color, located just beneath the rib cage. The heart chakra which is emerald green in color, located in the heart area. The throat chakra, blue in color located at the base of the throat. The third eye chakra indigo in color, and is located between your eyes. And your crown chakra, which is on the top of your head and is violet in color.
The word Chakra means wheel. The chakras are psychic centers of energetic and spiritual experience. They are not physical locations, we cannot palpate them, we cannot see them with the physical eye (some are able to see chakras intuitively), and they are not material.
If you have read my blog "Why Am I Feeling So Emotional In This Pose" I talk about how yoga poses can open up, and energize or "equalize" our different chakras. If for example, you are in a chest expansion pose, such as the camel (click here for an image of the camel) and you are feeling emotional in that pose, then most likely the asana is trying to balance and heal the heart chakra. In my personal experience, I have noticed that the most damaged and the most difficult chakra to heal or "fix" is the heart chakra. Love is very important, and this chakra is associated with love. All of us have had our hearts broken at many points in our lives, and if not correctly handled will end up slugging your heart chakra, thus closing up that energy point or making it weak.
In the remainder of this blog, I will very briefly go over each chakra. I will then post a photo or a video of one asana that will help that particular chakra. Keep in mind, that there are MANY asana's that you can use to open up any of your chakras. If you are using yoga to balance your chakras, be prepared to be uncomfortable and emotional. Take your time, and be very gentle with yourself. There are many ways besides yoga to help heal your chakras. Color, food, prayer, reiki, cleansing, meditation, visualization---I'm sure you get the point.
Located at the base of the spine is our first chakra, called the Root Chakra, it is red in color. It is related to our most basic survival needs, and our sense of belonging to family, group, culture, world. When this chakra is clear and energy flows through it freely, we feel secure and confident that we can easily fulfill our needs. On the other hand, blockage in this area can cause us to feel anxious and worried. This chakra connects us to the earth. It is helpful to listen to the sensations of the root chakra when we are in the process of making decisions. Uncomfortable sensations are a message to be alert and to reconsider, while pleasant feelings indicate that your decision is likely to meet your needs for safety and nourishment. It is the most physical of chakras. This chakra develops during birth up until 3-5 years of age. A simple and basic yoga pose for the root chakra is Mountain Pose. Mountain Pose encourages your connection with Earth, it connects you with your body, and keeps you in the present moment. Click here for an article on how to do the Mountain Pose
The second chakra, known as the Sacral Chakra is orange in color. It sits a few finger widths beneath the belly button (in the reproductive area), and is associated with birth and with creativity. Birth in the literal sense, as well as metaphorically to new aspects of ourselves, projects and ideas. When this chakra is healthy, we’re tapped into the source of higher energy that helps us write beautiful music, develop an innovative business, or create a loving family life. When this chakra becomes congested, we may experience a block in our creative powers and a sense of dryness or emptiness. This chakra develops between the years of 3/5-8 years of age. It is associated with the lymphatic glandular system of the body. The Cobra pose is very beneficial for the Sacral Chakra. Click here for a video of the Cobra Pose.
The third chakra is called the Solar Plexus Chakra, and is located a few finger widths above the belly button. It is bright yellow in color. This chakra governs our will, self-esteem and sense of personal power. When this chakra is blocked we may lack passion, desire and motivation to move forward and accomplish our goals or find it difficult to manifest true purpose in life. When this chakra flows freely we’re confident about our ability to manifest our intentions and desires. The years of development of this chakra is 8-12 years. This chakra is associated with the adrenal glands (the glands that sit on top of the kidneys). The easy bow pose is helpful for working on the solar plexus chakra. Click here for a video on how to do easy bow.
The Heart Chakra is located at the same level of the physical heart. It is emerald green in color. The developmental age of the heart chakra is 12-15 years of age. The heart is where tenderness and compassion are united with unconditional love, acceptance and continuity. When the Heart Chakra is flowing and open, we feel deeply connected to everyone in our life. But when it’s obstructed, we experience loneliness and a sense of alienation. Any asana that opens up the chest is beneficial for this chakra. A simple pose is Cat/Cow. Click here for a video of cat/cow, this is for children but I find it beneficial in teaching adults as well.
The throat chakra is located in the neck at the base of the throat. It is blue in color. It governs our sense of "hearing" and gives us the power to communicate openly and honestly without fear. It is linked to the development of the sense of law and order/justice. Imbalances of this chakra can represent physically as thyroid problems, weight gain, or chronic neck pain. It is associated with both speaking our truth, as well as listening. When our center of communication is clear, we’re able to express our truth without worrying about what others may think. If we have a congested throat chakra, we feel anxious about how other people will react to our views and are likely to censor ourselves. I personally find that women especially tend to have issues with their throat chakra in their mid to late forties. A beautiful asana that will help to open your throat chakra is the Lion Pose. Click here for a video for the Lion Pose.
The third eye chakra is indigo in color. It is located between your eyes and is also known as the "third eye". This chakra governs the higher self. It governs intuition, and psychic insight. It is the center of insight. When energy isn’t flowing easily through this chakra, we have a sense of self-doubt and distrust. When it’s open and clear, we feel deeply connected to our inner wisdom and trust that it guides us in our choices. A pose that will help with your third eye chakra is down dog. Click here for a video on how to do down dog.
The seventh chakra is located at the crown of the head, thus called the crown chakra. It is violet in color. It represents light, wisdom, and knowledge. It is the chakra that joins our soul with the spirit world. This chakra is connected with the auric body. Some say that fear of the dark, fear of spiritual abandonment, loss of identity personal and with society are related to an imbalance in the crown chakra. The seventh chakra is also known as the “Thousand Petaled Lotus,” which bursts open when we remember our true nature and experience enlightenment. Head stands are excellent in opening up this chakra. However, because you need a very experienced teacher to teach you how to do a headstand, as well as it taking a long time to learn how to practice headstands safely, the corpse pose is something I would suggest to practice. Click here for a video on the corpse pose, this again is for children but I find it useful for beginners.
**If you have any injuries, or any medical conditions, please speak with your healthcare provider about practicing any yoga asana mentioned in this blog**